Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Social Interaction

Whenever people find out I am a homeschool mom, they usually ask if the boys miss out socially. Folks who know little to nothing about homeschooling must believe I chain my boys to their desks! Perhaps some of you readers have wondered how we integrate others into our schedule. We are very busy during the day, but the boys have actually expanded their network of friends since the beginning of the school year. Instead of being part of a jr/sr high with 60 +/-students, we're a part of a bigger community.

I have planned a challenging and therefore time-consuming curriculum. So, we do spend much of the school day in focused study (with flexible breaks when they need them, of course). However, our afternoons and evenings are filled with activities.

Our boys have been involved in scouting all their lives. They belong to one of the largest troops in Montgomery. This week there are three scout meetings/events they will attend. Cody and Justin are also forming a Venturing crew. Their crew will bring together those who are interested in faith and fitness.

Because of their interest in music, the boys sing with the Capital City Singers and play in the home school band. They also play in our church's orchestra.

There are still other activities. Justin is on an AYSO soccer team and the Evangel Family JV basketball team. Cody and I will be doing CEF at a local public school. The boys go on church visitation every Wednesday afternoon. Cody runs the sound system for most Sunday evening services and is a bus ministry volunteer, preaching every other month. Justin ushers and helps out with junior church. Andrew participates in Awana and Middle-C choir. The boys have run chains and have helped as water boys for CCA's home football games. Cody stepped forward to head the fundraising committee for EFCA. And so it goes . . . I guess the boys interact with at least 185 different people a week . . . with our knowledge and guidance.

Cody, Justin, and Andrew are getting to know many great kids and adults. They also have gained a greater appreciation for our family. More importantly, though, they are getting to know the Lord better. To God be the glory!


Anonymous said...

Hi Family ,we enjoy following along with you on your school year journey .We may be far away in miles , but reading about your doings opens up a whole new door for us .Thank you for sharing with us .We love you , Daniel & Gramma Jeannie ( :~

Miriam N. said...

I always laugh at the "social interaction" question. Some people are just narrow-minded about the subject.

Besides the choir (which I love!), I play with a community band and a youth orchestra, where I interact with public, private, and other homeschooled kids. Unsocialized? Sure...

I'll have to wear my "Unsocialized Homeschooler" shirt this Wednesday.

Missy said...

I believe those who ask really don't know much about how a home school works. Most of those who ask are 40+ years old and have or have had a hand in public or private traditional education.
I enjoy presenting to these folks how special homeschooling can be. First, of course, I have to define what I mean by "socialization." When I state my case, folks are usually pleasantly surprised. Most come away believing that, at least for my family, homeschooling is the best option.